miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Creative writing task

When I arrived I felt bigger, faster and taller. On the grass there was a puddle, so when I saw a white horse reflected I were very scared, I was a horse! But when I calmed down, a question came to me:
Where was Steve?
Later on a bird came below my stomach and it asked me if I was lost and I answered:"yes". So it helped me because he was the bird of a knight, so he said to me that I had to said "geronimo". But if that did not work I had to f-ight, so he told me many strategies of figthing. Then when the bird finished of explaining all I had to do and flew I heard a familiar voice, it was Steve, I listened all the conversation that was having with a person called Niles.
When the conversation finished, I listened to Steve asking himself where I was, so I answered "right here" and I told him that I listened to all the convesation.

martes, 15 de julio de 2014

Formal letter

Dear Mr. Pratt,
I am writing this letter to you because you behaved very badly in my house. I thought that you were a gentleman, until I listened the prize of the winner. We knew since a long time, and we were friends, but when I heard to you and my father about the bet, I thought that only we have to be friends.
So then, while you were winning the game I did something that I knew that you heated, to smoke. You told me last summer that you couldn't smoke because a problem of your health, I am sorry of that, but I didn't had another thing to stop the bet.
When I saw my nanny telling us that you were cheating I get very sad and upset. So I told you to go out of my house and never talk to me.
Well, I think that with this letter  you will never bother me. So I will say good bye for last time.
yours sincerely,

 Louise Brown

lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

" Los insecticidas nos dejan sin comida"

En esta crónica se habla de que estamos ante una amenaza que pesa sobre la productividad de nuestro medio natural y agrícola. Muchos de los científicos que descubrieron esto estan preocupados por lo que podría pasar.
Un científico proclama que no aprendimos mucho después de que el libro Silent Spring se publicara en 1956 por Rachel Carson que se reveló como se diezmaban las poblaciones de aves  e insectos por el uso indiscriminado de insecticidas.
La unión  Europea  ya suspendió en 2013 el uso de fripronil y de tres neonicotinoides debido a su efecto.
