martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

The creation of the stars

The Creation of the Stars

There was a very far a way town in the out of Paris, France, there lived a lot of people but they were very preocupated because in any part of the town it wasn't any light, but this was a beautiful town, there were a lot of threes and parks but it was a little bit small. There were living a lot of persons in a very small town, but this person are very good people. They were very preocupated with the problem of the light, so they pray all the time so the god of the light come and resolve or help them with the town problem, so all the very good people that live there could be a better town.

They called the goddess  of the light thought a ritual. The people of this little town had to make a fire with al the torches that they have. In a night the goddess appeared she ask them what they wanted. An old man told the goddess the problems that they have in the night and he ask her to give them light without working. The goddess tell the old man that she would help them if they called the god of the night to help her to do her work. The goddess disappeared and the town didn't know what to do. They looked for all the forms to call the god but it never work. But one afternoon a little girl tell the old man to go to the enormous volcano. First the people were afraid but then the man tell them that it was the only way to get light.

 The people of that little town were scared of thinking that they have to jump into a volcano to have the help of the god. The most older in that town tell the youngest that they had to scarified themselves to save the others, first they refuse but when all the old people said that it was a good idea the younger people accept.
They prepare all the things that they needed for the journey, they started their way to the death in the morning when the sun was down. It was very difficult to look for a volcano in that place, all that they could see was trees, lakes and grass. in the night when they were very exhausted they repose next to a river, to drink water, and a boy listened a loud sound, so he look where the sound came from and he saw a big volcano. The group run to that direction and when they were around it they jumped and die.

 Finally, the two goddesses, the goddess of the light and the god of the night, gave to the people that where in that city the beautiful starts that appear in the big sky. The people were so glad because they finally have some light in the sky apart from the sun, but that was only in the day, the night have lots of shining starts. The goddesses finally say good bye to them, and went to there home. All the people enjoyed the shining lights that were in the sky, and they loved them very much

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Accident of train Sarmiento

The train Sarmiento accident
 By: Dolores Mergel
from National Geographic.

The day that the accident occurred was on the 22 of February 2012. It was in Argentina, Buenos Aires, at the Once Station.
The cause of the accident, was that the train was travelling too fast, about 50km per hour, and on the entry to the station it failed to stop before the end of the track at Once Station, and at 8:33 crashed into the buffer stops at a speed of 26km per hour.
There were about 1,000 passengers on board when the crowded eight-carriage train, whose working brakes were not activated, hit the buffers at the end of the line, crushing the motor carriage and the following two carriages, after approaching the station at a speed of 26Km per hour. Fifty-one people were killed and more than 700 were injured; the dead and seriously injured were in the first two carriages.}

Several ambulances were in the area, at the time of the accident, and were used to transported victims to nearby hospitals.
Secretary of Transport Juan Pablo Schiavi announced that the government will investigate the accident. He reported that the driver was well rested at the time of the accident and had very good labour reports.

We were lucky to be able to ask some questions to Florencia Rodriguez, a woman that was present in the exactly moment of the tragedy.

In the train, was there a member of your family?
- I am glad that no, they were all in their houses. My son of 23 was at his work in Capital, my husband had the day free, and my daughter was at school, because she is a teacher.

You were near the station?
- Yes, I was going to go to my work. I was in the entrance of the station. Many people were around me.

You see when the train crashed?
No, I was taking my ticket. The train was travelling so fast, that few people see it coming.


Hicimos un cuadro completo que contenía información de que contenía la materia, que la formaba, que formaba, etc..

mind mapping software

Síndrome urémico hemolítico

Para prevenir el SUH, se deben hacer varias cosas; que la cocción de la comida este completa para poder comerla, y esto es porque es la principal fuente de contaminación para los niños. El higiene, como lavase las manos antes y después de digerir alimentos, pero siempre en cada ocasión. Las temperaturas de la comida debe ser correcta para poder consumirla. Los depósitos de agua,   deben estar bien limpios para que el agua no se contamine, se pueden limpiar con lavandina, pero luego se limpia. Y por último, el agua potable, el agua debe estar 100% limpia, no se pueden consumir jugos no pasteurizados, lavar verduras y frutas, no bañarse en agua contaminada, etc..

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Una enfermedad mortal: Ébola

El virus del Ébola es un virus de la familia Filoviridae. Es el causante de la enfermedad llamada Ébola, una enfermedad infecciosa muy grave que afecta a muchos mamíferos.

Los síntomas de esta enfermedad normalmente comienzan entre los dos días y las tres semanas después de haber contraído el virus, con fiebre, dolor de garganta, dolores musculares y dolor de cabeza. Por lo general siguen las náuseas, vómitos y diarrea, junto con fallo hepático y renal.

El virus puede contraerse por contacto con la sangre, o los fluidos corporales de animales infectados. Una vez que el ser humano es infectado, la enfermedad se puede contagiar entre personas

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

De Buenos Aires a África

El martes 21/10/2014 tuvimos una entrevista pon Hangouts con el médico José Vega Chancafe Padre de una alumna del colegio, que se fue a Mongomo para poder ayudar al hospital Policlínico Virgen de Guadalupe de Mongomo. El nos dijo que ese hospital es privado y que solamente los niños o adultos que tenían un problema muy grave podían entrar allí.
 En la entrevista, él nos dijo que la enfermedad mas frecuente en sus pacientes era el Paludismo. Nosotros le preguntamos preguntas como, ¿En que época del año había mas pacientes?, o ¿Cuál era la enfermedad más común?.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Mi historieta Francesa

Esta es mi historieta francesa, que hice en Pixton, un programa en el que se puede hacer tu propia cómic.