domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

Protective poems

In the Literature class, we had to make a poem and we were given two options. I choose the one were we had to invent a mythological creature that protects the place were you live. So, here it is my poem:

The guardian task

The winds brought you here,
from the north you came along.
You brought joy and happiness
but darkness as well.

Your sky orbes had to see the beating hearts of the living,
to look after the innocent and pure lives,
but one deadly night,
your graceful sight decided to shut,
making the shadows from the west, to attack.
Your pansy form face in the orange and blue morning woke up,
you saw destruction you saw pain,
but the only thing you could think, was revenge.

Your lilac silk body was upset,
however it understood the big threat.
You grew srtong but sad,
you knew it was your bad.
You, mister guardian looked for your goal,
nevertheless the west was now only coal.
You came back, creating rivers with your tears,
and at the final show, after all these years,
your majestic form was transformed into a beautiful river,
that would protect us all from our fears.

martes, 9 de mayo de 2017

Fate in hands of a coin

In the Language class, with Andrea we started watching the series "How to get away with murder". After we saw a couple of chapters, in groups, we had to create a graphic novel with scenes. My group decided to recreate the pilot of the first season, in where the principal characters found a corpse and set it on fire.
At first, we choose pictures that suited the best the scene. Secondly we created bubbles for the script and sound effects. And afterwards, we created a collage with an app called "Pickmonkey".

You must download the image to see it properly.

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Descubriendo diferencias

En la clase de Biología tuvimos que crear un cuadro en el que diferenciáramos distintos seres vivos. Entre ellos estaban los pólipos y medusas, caracoles, saltamontes, vertebrados y planarias. Y en este cuadro había que encontrar su forma de respirar, el modo en que su sangre circula (si es que tienen), su sistema excretor y digestivo, etc.